Did you know?
Monetary donations are the most effective way to support SCO, as we can stretch those dollars so much farther at the food bank than you can at the grocery store, especially in these unusual times. We have a mailbox outside our door for that purpose OR donations can be mailed to PO Box 682, Stockbridge MI, 49285. The full amount of your donation (other than any card service fees) goes straight to Stockbridge Community Outreach for direct programming needs.
Clothing or Food Donations can be taken directly to
Stockbridge Community Outreach
305 W. Elizabeth St, Door #20 in back parking lot off Cherry & Elm Streets
Stockbridge, MI
Hours: Mon Wed Fri 1:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m. or by appointment
Monetary gifts can be made in person or mailed to
Stockbridge Community Outreach
PO Box 682
Stockbridge, MI 49285
Receipts are issued for all donations because they are tax deductible

Please visit our facebook page to see a listing of our current food pantry needs